At the Crossroads MUX Wiki


The Nemeton is an ancient sacred site, a magical node of power created by druidic practitioners hundreds of years ago. Originally powered by blood sacrifice, it has since become tired directly into the magics of the Earth itself, fueled by power drawn through the Ley Lines that converge beneath it. The potent magics of the site act as a beacon to supernatural creatures, drawing them to it. The Nemeton can also serve as an extremely powerful focus for magical energies, similar to a Hellmouth but far more open-ended, as it is not explicitly linked to any specific power, save the magical energies of the Earth.

One significant aspect of the site is that it readily serves as a strong, stable portal into The WaysReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon of the Nevernever.

Recent History[]

Long dormant after the tree that focused its power was cut down, the site was reawakened by a blood sacrifice, completed by Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, and Allison Argent. Later, in the events of the Dislocation Plot finale, the tree and its power were fully restored. This is also when it was directly connected to the magic of the Earth. Since then, the Nemeton has continued to feature heavily in various magical events. Per the Winds of Winter Plot, it has drawn great interest from the Fairy Courts and of the Winter Court in particular.

After Glorificus attempted to turn the Nemeton into a massive magical explosive during The Key Plot, the Witches' Council of the Grand Coven performed an intricate ritual to ward The Nemeton against being used as a conduit for such massive, global destruction ever again. During the developments developments of the The Once and Future Alpha Plot, the spirit of Talia Hale gained sufficient power to connect the Nemeton even more directly to the Hale family lands that surrounded it. This makes her, in essence, the guardian spirit of the Nemeton.

Physical Description[]

The woods grow particularly dense in this region, but when one comes to this particular site, they begin to thin out. Eventually, they give way to a large clearing. The ground is bare of undergrowth, and there is a stillness in the air, as though even many of the forest's animals tend to avoid this place. In the center of the clearing, a single, massive oak tree dominates the space.

Its trunk is easily six feet across, with a spread of roots reaching much farther and branches extending just as far, above. The thick, twisting branches of the ancient-looking tree completely cover the clearing, leaving the sky almost impossible to glimpse. Growing with moss and gnarled with age, one might expect the tree to appear weak or damaged with time, but oddly enough it seems to have all the supple strength of new growth, yet still stands as solid as stone. The tree is palpably vibrant, alive. Even those with no particular mystic senses can perceive the faint hum of life, calling out its silent beckoning.
