At the Crossroads MUX Wiki
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A Werebunny Genius


A painfully shy teen from a family of celebrities. New to his supernatural abilities.


In one word Shy. In another Timid. A third would be bashful. He's the type that prefers to stay to the side and not be the center of attention, Or anywhere near attention for that matter. He's sweet caring and gentle, and will help anyone he care about, but getting to know him can be a bit of a challenge as his first response to anything resembling conflict is to run.




Nick excels at academics, to say he's a genius wouldn't be a stretch. At 16 he's already a sophomore in college. This is partly due to his intellect and partly due to being schooled online because of his extreme shyness. Instead of making friends in real life he took various electives at his online high school. What's currently holding him up in college are classes that require attendance and lab work.



Nick is naturally athletic and acrobatic, though he is by far best at running. Even wihtout his supernatural enhancements he is a talented athlete and acrobat. Capable of preforming many tumbling techniques and running at fast speeds.



Nick comes from a very creative and artistic family. However in his case instead of being a master of acting or business, he possesses creativity in cgi and as an author. He's currently working on designing his own video game, from Art to story.



Nick has always been shy, and managing to stay out of the papers and limelight in a famous family isn't easy. Nick has learned to use his speed cunning and various simple disguise and techniques to evade notice and get around.



Nick has made it a point to become as familiar with technology as he can. He can figure out the features on most devices and troubleshoot issues with minimal assistance. His knowledge base is not limited to any particular devices or platforms but stretches across a breadth of digital media and operating systems. Whether it includes hacking, computer programming, or setting the clock on an archaic VCR Nick can do it.




Nick has enhanced agility, beyond that of most humans, or your average werewolf even, he can run with amazing speed, and jump amazing heights even in his human form. This ability also includes enhanced flexibility and accuracy that is far beyond normal human limits.



Nick has a sixth sense when it comes to danger. He may not always be able to identify the source, but oftentimes if he's about to be in serious trouble he knows. Leave it to a rabbit to have an idea when it's about to be eaten, right?



Nick has two different forms. The first is a form similar to the Teen Wolf style werewolf form, only with slight changes to his face and body that make him appear more lapine than lupine. No claws, of course and his ears and legs both become more defined. Most of his abilities are enhanced to various degrees when shifted into this form. The second form is that of a small white rabbit. This form looks like a completely normal bunny, though he still possesss his his enhanced speed and such. He still hasn't learned complete control and if startled or frightened sometimes shifts into a bunny without meaning to.



Rabbits are stronger in their hind legs than in their front, and the same is true for Nick. While he's untrained in martial arts of combat of any sort, his kicks still pack Quite a punch, and allow him to jump extremely high even in human form. As with all his abilities this ability is stronger in his were-rabbit form.



You've heard what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? Well that might not be true for Nick, but if it doesn't kill him he'll heal from it in relatively short order from a broken back to a severed limb gives him a little time and he'll be as good as new. Basic wounds heal in little time though something like a lost body part takes far longer. Whether this regeneration includes aging is unsure, and only time will tell.



Nick has enhanced sense as do most werecreatures. He has enhanced smell and vision, to a greater extent that most humans, but lesser that most werewolves. His most enhanced sense by far though is hearing. His ability to hear things is almost at the Supernatural level and one day will likely progress to that level. He can hear things on higher and lower spectrum that even most wolves and can with concentration even listen to radio and CB bands and the like.



Bunnies aren't typically all that strong. Nick is however stronger than most humans and if he were to exercise and cultivate it capable of greater strength.



As a wererabbit Nick possesses enhanced endurance. He is capable of being through across the room and other such feats that would seriously hurt a normal human, without any noticeable damage. He also has enhanced endurance that he can run for extended periods of time without becoming tired, or for that matter just about any other psychical exertion. This ability isn't unlimited, but he is far more resilient that he looks. After all a weak bunny doesn't last long!



Nick has quite a high IQ and knows how to reason things out at a rate much faster than most people.


There's something undeniably adorable about Nick. The way he looks at people, his expressive nature, his appearance in general and other elements of his personality make him endearing to anyone with a good nature. As a result, certain people are more likely to help him and do not wish him any harm.


Nick is a member of a rather famous family though he's gone through great pains to avoid the spotlight. He has access to great wealth and if he so chooses can usually make a few calls to get strings pulled in the human world.



There comes a moment in every rabbit's life when he makes eye contact with a predator. When that happens, a rabbit will freeze instantly to take stock of the situation. Fight or flight (always, always flight) will kick in momentarily after. For Nick it is no different. Making eye contact with someone he feels is a threat or sometimes even superior to him will cause him to pause dead in his tracks.


Before his recent change Nick quite enjoyed burgers and chicken strips. Sadly now he can't stomach meat, any meat of any kind causes an effect quite similar to food poisoning. So Nick is now a forced vegetarian.


Predators are a rabbit's worse nightmare. Unfortunately for Nick, being cute and fluffy can have its drawbacks. Individuals and creatures that see Nick as prey will not give up the hunt easily. Try as he might, he has to work extra hard to escape from them. This often seems to come as a scent and aura even that draws predators to him, though it does affect different people different ways.


Nick is shy. Insanely shy to the point of agoraphobia. His recent tendency to change into a bunny when startled has increased this substantially.

Nicholas Ashley Butler was born August 28, 1999, at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills, California. His father is Tony Butler, who at the time was Chief Operating Officer of Mammoth Pictures movie studio. His mother Melissa was a country girl at heart, hailing from Indiana, and the pressure of the Hollywood lifestyle proved too much for her. She and Tony separated and eventually divorced when Nicholas was only five years old. Melissa moved her son to her family's home in Indianapolis, where Nicholas was raised in a loving environment.

A year later, his father remarried, and Nicholas had a new step-mother, soap opera queen Scarlet Hood. Along with the step-mother came a step-brother, actor Colt Bradford, who was twelve at the time. Nicholas didn't see his father's new family often, only on major holidays and for a few weeks each summer, but he has fond memories, especially of Colt, who never treated him as anything less than a full brother.

Nicholas was a bashful boy, but super smart, skipping a couple grades to graduate at age 16. He then earned a scholarship to the University of California, Berkeley. Coincidentally, his step-brother Colt has recently moved to San Francisco to begin filming a new television series, so although Nicholas will have his own small apartment near campus, he won't be completely alone. He can always visit Colt in his Victorian manor.

Nick did have a second life that so far he's managed to keep secret even from his family. A few months before he got his full ride scholarship to UC Berkeley, in Game design, he had started to undergo other changes. He found out apparently that his family were hereditary shifters, or at least there was some blood of that on his mother's side. Whenever he got started he'd turn into a white rabbit. And he became faster and stronger. It took him some months to learn how to control his shifting and newfound abilities, and so far he thinks he's a freak. He hasn't met anyone else like him or any other supernatural yet.
