At the Crossroads MUX Wiki

The Baddest Witch of Them All



The point is, in this whole, wide,
wicked world... The only thing you
have to be afraid of is me.

Fiona Goode

Glamorous and debauched, Fiona Goode is the reigning Supreme of the Witches' Council. Almost infinitely wealthy and primarily devoted to a life of her own pleasures, something has stirred in Fiona a desire to be closer to the Witches' Council, and perhaps even her daughter, Cordelia.


Fiona's been wearing masks for so long that she's not entirely sure exactly who she is, sometimes. Once upon a time, Fiona Goode was genuinely, well, good. The fact that it was about sixty years ago should say a lot, though. Ever a willful child, Fiona learned at a young age what the looks from men meant, and learned to manipulate their behaviors to get what she wanted. Upon learning how to manipulate men, her next step was manipulating women, and that was almost as easy.

Becoming Supreme at such a young age was a disaster for Fiona. A few more years would have helped her grow, so much, but Fiona has never been one to be told 'Not yet'. Her temper is firey, giving her an iron resolve few can match when she's made up her mind about something. She also has little compunction against killing if someone gets in her way, be they human or witch.

But on the flip side of that coin, Fiona can be alarmingly benevolent when the mood strikes, without any need for personal gain or even good will from those she's helped. Should she see someone gunned down pointlessly on the street, she might be inclined to save them, or she might keep walking, depending on how she feels that day.

One thing Fiona cannot stand is a racist, and she will go to great lengths to demean and humiliate anyone under her control (and who isn't?) if they espouse racial biases in her presence.




There are few people more charming than Fiona Goode when she wants something. It's how she's kept her position as Supreme of her coven for so long, without actually doing the job. Given the time and the inclination, she could convince all but the strongest willed individuals that the sky is orange and that snow is just candy falling from the heavens... and that's without magic.



While it's not her favorite way to handle a situation, Fiona knows how to fight, both bare knuckles, and with a weapon. There've been a few times that she's only escaped a situation with a mean right hook, and even though she's in her sixties, she's still a competent fighter. How else do you think she keeps that amazing figure?



Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies wouldn't be doing its job if it didn't give its girls a veneer of civilization. Fiona knows how to play the piano quite well, and if pressed, could muster up at least a passing skill for painting, drawing and the like, which has been kept sharp by her need to draw precise figures during spells, and a unique skill for fashion, especially for her own figure.



While she's not her daughter, spending so much time with plants she neglects her true powers, Fiona Goode is an above average herbalist. She can recognize all but truly esoteric herbs, and knows how to use them to harm and heal, where to find them, how to properly gather them and prepare them and the like.



Fiona is fluent in English and French, and conversational in Mandarin Chinese, Italian and German, currently.



While it's not something she prefers doing, Fiona is an excellent leader in times of crisis. Able to manage things both on a big picture and micromanage the people under her, when the mood strikes, Fiona can rule either through charm and charisma, or through sheer force of personality and raw power, with the threat of that power being turned on anyone who doesn't fall in line. There are claws beneath those silk gloves.



Don't nobody know how to obscure the truth like Fiona Goode. One part Southern Charm, one part Southern Grit, eight parts sheer ballsiness. Fiona is an expert liar, as well as a manipulator, and knows how to avoid the truth the way most people know how to avoid stepping in dog shit on the streets. If you watch where you're going, remember where your feet were, and stick with the path you're on, you'll be fine. Using this skill, she can wiggle within truth spells, but cannot lie about a direct yes/no sort of question, etc. She usually doesn't outright lie, but peppers her lies with truth and her truth with lies so you're never quite certain where you stand with her.



Fiona is the Supreme of a line of witches with a long history of passing power and secrets down generation to generation. She is one of the most experienced witches in the world, and has memorized many spells and is skilled at the casting of ritual magic to get a variety of effects she wants.




Another of the Seven Wonders, Fiona can force her spirit out of her body, and into the spirit realms from the time the sun sets, to the time the sun rises. If Fiona remains in the spirit world past this time, her spirit will be trapped there forever, and her body will turn to dust.



Never one of Fiona's strong points, but one of the powers she developed, all the same. For Fiona this manifests primarily as a sixth sense, an ability to find things that are lost, and a way to catch vague glimpses of the future.



Fiona is one of the best there is when it comes to mind control. Whether it's subtle manipulations of those around her, or bluntly battering down someone's mental defenses, Fiona can use this power to wipe memories, force people to do things against their nature without realizing it, and convince others to change their minds. (This power will only ever be used on PCs with their express permission after discussing consequences!)



One of the Seven Wonders, and another of Fiona's stronger abilities. Though she rarely uses it, Fiona is capable of starting fires with just her mind, and fanning them into a raging blaze, even without anything to burn.



As the Supreme of her coven, Fiona Goode is one of the most powerful witches in the world. With preparation and the right spells, there is very little she cannot achieve, from bringing down an enemy's corporation to making it rain candy canes or any host of other effects. The more powerful the effect, the longer it takes. A spell to change her hair color could be something as simple as a rhyming couplet in English, while the aformentioned destruction of a corporation would take a great deal of preparation, ritual spells, and personal energies that might leave her in a weakened state should she try to cast it alone.



One of the first abilities that manifested in Fiona was telekinesis, and to this day, it is one of her most used powers. With a simple movement of her hand or eyes, she can send people flying across the room and hold them pinned against walls, including multiple targets. With more effort, she could flip busses, burst through brick walls and the like. Using this ability, and a broom or other object, Fiona can easily fly.



Fiona is very talented at short to medium range teleportation, able to do it effortlessly and reorient herself to continue any task she was working on, such as murdering the previous Supreme and the like.



One of the most impressive of the Seven Wonders, Vitalum Vitalis is used to balance life and death between a Witch and her target. This ability transfers life force from one being to another, and can be used to either heal or bring someone back from the dead, or to suck the life out of them and leave them a withered husk. Healing others leaves Fiona weak with strain, while taking the life force of others leaves her regenerated and youthful for a short duration.



Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies is a beautiful old Finishing School for refined, elegant young ladies of the best breeding, to the outside world. Inside, it's a Witches' Academy, operated by the Council of Witches, nominally overseen by Fiona Goode, but currently in the hands of other caretakers. Still, it is Fiona's home away from home away from home, and she stores a bit of wardrobe there, as well as a few bits and baubles of jewelry (half of it paste, the other half damn good!) and so on. Further, should she need access to the library, herbs and the like, or even research assistants in the form of young witches plucked out of class to do her bidding, that is her perrogative as Supreme.


When your family's been as wealthy as Fiona's has, you make connections. Whether it's Hollywood Hobnobbing with film stars or being seen on the elbow of a senator at a fancy gala, people in power simply know Fiona Goode, and Fiona Goode simply knows people in power. She can turn this to her advantage, getting into places she technically shouldn't be without using an iota of mystical power, or to get her special favors. It mostly comes in handy for avoiding speeding tickets.


Fiona's sort of fame isn't a Brangelina sort of spotlight, though she certainly has her connections in Hollywood. Fiona's sort of fame comes directly from her title. Supreme. Leader of the Witches' Council and ruler of their Coven. Among the Supernaturally aware, Fiona's a star among stars, as the title isn't merely a formality, but also a measure of her sheer power.


Fiona, through her actions with the Witches' Council's defense of the Nemeton during Glorificus' attack, has accumulated a great deal of good will from the Fair Folk. Unwilling or unable to decide upon a boon, Fiona joked that she'd just like to have tea with Mab sometime. She now has a standing tea date with Mab the Second Thursday of each month, wherein they take turns playing host and invite various worthies to tea with them. It's an informal affair, as informal as it ever can be with two ruling figures, but it's a time when they can take off their metaphorical crowns and just enjoy the company of others.


Fiona has nerves of steel and an iron will. She's not afraid to do /whatever/ it will take to achieve her ends, no matter who is harmed. The one exception to this is her daughter Cordelia, though in her own mind, she'd mow her down in a heartbeat if she had to. She is highly resistant to manipulation and can usually spot attempts to sway her, and easily resist all but the toughest of manipulators.


Fiona's family was wealthy long before her birth, considered one of the Old Families of the Americas, and wheeling and dealing for centuries before and since its founding. When her parents died, Fiona inherited that wealth. Since her inheritance, that money has been shrewdly invested. Who needs insider trading when you can literally draw tarot to see if Enron is a good investment, and have it be honest? As a consequence of her wealth, Fiona owns several high end vehicles in major cities, as well as haute couture wardrobes in various cities. Fiona simply has more money than she knows what to do with, these days.


As Supreme of the Salem Witches, Fiona is able to call upon the Witches' Council at a moment's notice to bring down their justice upon those she accuses, though a formal trial must take place. Fiona 'rules' the council as their Supreme, but has no say in their rulings, more a figurehead in these instances. Had she actually attended her duties as Supreme, Fiona would probably have been Supreme /and/ Council Chair, but such is life.



Though Fiona looks amazing for her age, she is, in fact, getting old. Her bones are becoming brittle, it's harder to get out of bed each day, her skin is starting to sag, and she's not quite getting the attention of handsome men that she once had. Combined with her vanity, this is becoming more of a problem as time goes on.


Fiona's daughter is a massive point of conflict in her life. Both her greatest love and her biggest enemy, Fiona abandoned Cordelia at a young age to a boarding academy to be cared for by other witches, both out of love for her daughter and wishing to see her grow into a good woman, and because Fiona just... should never have been a mother. She loves her daughter fiercely, and would do anything to protect her, but at the same time, she wishes Cordelia had never been born, and hates her fiercely for existing.


Fiona Goode is a high profile figure in the world. She has money, class and clout, both political and magical. This makes her a target for both mundane figures, and silly Witch hunters who know what she really is. This may also include other members on the Witches' Council and even her own family. When you have real enemies everywhere, sometimes it's easy to invent fake ones, too.


Fiona has many a secret that she'd like to stay buried, especially from the Witches' Council, including proof that she murdered the previous Supreme, Anna Leigh Leighton, and many other people who have simply gotten in her way on her rise to power.


As the new Supreme rises in power, the old Supreme loses vitality and a portion of their power. It's a very slow process, which usually ends with the current Supreme dying of some horrible wasting disease as their immune system shuts down and their body gives out. Fiona knows it's only a matter of time until the new Supreme rises, and her star fades in a horrible death. And she's not going to let it happen without a fight, and will do almost anything to protect her power.


Fiona has a temper like few have seen. Though it takes a bit to get her worked up, once she's unleashed, she's almost impossible to control, more a force of nature than a human being. The most terrifying thing is that it's rarely the typical expression of anger, an explosive rage, but more a cold, calculated shitstorm about to be unleashed.

Fiona was born to a life of wealth and culture the likes of which few ever truly know. As a young girl, she found herself in the prestigious Miss Robichaux Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies, possibly for her own safety. It was there she began her rise to power. The Academy was not just a place for young girls to learn proper comportment in public settings, but was truly a school for Witches, women born of the Salem Coven line, and young Fiona was one of many in those days.

As she grew older and blossomed, Fiona made certain enemies at the Academy and allies of others. In time, she came to realize she was the next Supreme, when Anna Leigh Leighton, the current Supreme, told her confidentially. But Anna Leigh swore Fiona would never become the next Supreme due to her lust for power. Fiona proved Anna Leigh wrong moments later with a simple razor blade across the throat, and when the current Supreme died, the power rushed into Fiona, as she knew it would.

With the help of a servant at the academy, Fiona hid the body, and got away with the murder with almost no one wiser for it. She swiftly took the Seven Wonders and was proved to be the new Supreme... But Fiona didn't really want to rule, she just wanted to be free from rules. Using her family's wealth, along with her new status as Supreme, Fiona traveled the world, jet-setting about in a haze of drugs and alcohol over the next few decades. During that time, she managed to have a daughter, Cordelia Goode.

She tried to be a good mother to her 'Delia, she really did, but a life of excess is no place for a child, even with a live in nanny, and so Cordelia was relinquished to the same Academy she started in, lost and alone to cling to anyone who'd offer love and kindness Fiona didn't know how to share. Business with The Council of Witches has been almost exclusively handled by the other members for the last few years, though Fiona, realizing she's now in her 60s and slowing down, is taking a more active role in things again. It doesn't hurt that the next Supreme might be among the students being taught by the Witches' council, both at schools and in private. Fiona fears the loss of her youth and her life, and may just do anything to keep it.
