At the Crossroads MUX Wiki
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The Lone Wereowl


Cibran is a reclusive man who is rarely seen outside during the day. His home is in Beacon Hills, somewhere deep in the woods, however the man has no friends, no known family, and keeps to himself. The few who have spoken to him say that he generally creeps them out. No one is quite sure how he makes a living either. He is altogether a mystery and has been so ever since he moved here a few years ago.


More owl than human in his thought processes, Cibran's priorities, and mannerisms might seem odd to some. He prefers solitude and tends to keep to himself. He is mostly nocturnal and tends to stay out of the sunlight. He tends to be quiet and never has much to say. He appears to be an introvert rather than an extrovery. Attempts to be "silly" or "cute" towards him will go ignored.




Cibran is in shape, albeit not professional shape, however he can run when he has to, climb really well, and navigate through rough terrain. His enhanced physical prowess usually compensates for his lack of an extensive workout routine.



Cibran is also a master of deception and can fool even those who are trained to detect deception. Being what he is, he has had to fool hunters, and hide his existence.



Cibran is a master of unarmed combat, able to wield his fists, or talons in a fight with expert skill. He is trained in various martial arts to top it all off. He is more than capable of handling himself in a fight.



Cibran has extensive knowledge about the supernatural world and the occult. He knows that other werebeasts exist, as well as vampires, immortals, shapeshifters, wizards, witches, and fae. He may not have deep knowledge when it comes to the interworkings of their societies but he does know that they exist, and what some of their weaknesses are.



Cibran is a solitary creature and must rely on himself before anyone else. He has a brilliant mind capable of anticipating danger given a known circumstance. He isn't psychic but he has enough experience to know when he's being hunted if the signs are there. He can formulate plans and plots to take down his enemies before they take him down. He has enough sense to flee town when the odds are stacked against him.



Cibran is a master of stealth. He is literally one with the shadows on foot and a silent killer when he's flying through the air in one of his other forms. It's extremely difficult to hear him coming, especially while he is flying. His very survival often depends on his ability to move silently, it has been practiced and honed throughout his life.




In all forms Cibran possesses speed and reflexes twenty times stronger than the human potential. He is able to catch arrows or dodge bullets with a bit of luck. He can also run or fly, depending on his form, up to twenty times faster than the human potential. His flight speed would be as fast as his run speed. While in normal owl form however, his legs are much smaller, which means that his running speed would not be enhanced, however his flight speed would be.



In his full-man-owl form, Cibran's shark beak and powerful talons have enough potency to be equal to a sharp sword. He possesses talons on both his feet and his hands when in man-owl farm, as his wings extend from his back, giving him arms/hands.



In all forms Cibran has owl level hearing and sight. He can see in complete darkness, his vision is binocular, and he can see objects at a far greater distance than a human. His hearing is so powerful that he can hear mice making squeaking noises up to 900 feet away, which makes eavesdropping or detecting enemies/prey quite easy.



Cibran is far stronger than human level, in human form he is able to bend and twist metal bars, smash through most non-armored structures, and break through a brick wall with sustained moderate effort. In normal owl form he does not possess enhanced strength, in human form he does.



In his Full Man Owl form Cibran possesses supernatural level strength sufficient to bend and twist metal girders, smash through armored doors or stone walls, and break through a bank vault with sustained moderate effort. Usually able to push up to 1-2 dozen tons and dead lift a large motor vehicle.



In all forms Cibran possesses toughness and regeneration sufficient to either shrug off or endure non-lethal wounds from personal-level weaponry (swords, rifles, shotguns) without great loss of ability. Minor wounds heal almost instantly, and even severe wounds heal within a few hours to a few days, usually "off screen." Silver derived wounds would take longer to heal from.



Like werewolves, wereowls live far longer than humans.


In all forms Cibran is able to turn his head around up to 270 degrees in either direction. In all forms he is also able to consume bones and fur, or other strange substances, however such undigestible substances are compressed into pellets, and eventually regurgitated. Hiding precious or important items in pellets is a useful ability.



Wereowls do not exhibit the same symptoms when it comes to bestial rage. It's more like a quiet seething as owls are by nature stealthy hunters. They do not growl or insult, they do not fly into a loud rage, they simply attack swiftly, quietly, and without warning, oftentimes not making a single sound. As such wereowls have tempers, they are simply not loud tempers.


Cibran requires raw meat in order to survive, much like normal owls. He can consume non-meat food or drink but to survive he requires raw meat. Cibran does not actively seek out human flesh but when under the influence of the full moon, he may attack, and consume convenient human targets.


On the full moon Cibran is forced into his full-man-owl form and begins to hunger purely for raw meat. If he chances upon lone humans he may attack and eat them as well. However most often he hunts animals.


Like werewolves, wereowls are vulnerable to Rowan charms, also known as mountain ash. It is effective as a ward and weapon against Cibran. Certain forms of moonstone can be utilized via ritual to temporarily suppress shifting, resulting in Cibran being even more aggressive when the next shift occurs.


Like many werebeasts, Cibran has a weakness to silver. Wounds inflicted by silver will heal as slowly as a human heals normal wounds. Obviously mortal or lethal wounds inflicted by silver weapons may kill him.

Cibran was born somewhere out in the middle of nowhere in the Michigan wilderness to parents who were both wereowls. He was born what he is and takes great pride in being a pure blood. He was taught to look down on those werebeasts who were turned, especially wereowls who were turned, as to their knowledge not a single turned wereowl was ever turned intentionally, most are born what they are, and as such wereowls who have been turned are referred to as "base", "impure", or "accidents" when mentioned in discussions. Other werebeasts who have been turned are often dismissed as beneath his notice, even if the gift was intentionally given to them. He might refer to them as halfbreeds at best if he talks about them at all. Such was his upbringing. Cibran was homeschooled and was brought up to trust no one until trust is earned, especially if they are a werebeast of some kind, or a vampire. He was raised knowing how to hunt for his meat, to use his senses, and was cautioned against hunting human flesh. He was told that he would not be able to avoid it his entire life however, during the full moon instinct tends to overpower human thought processes, and lone human hikers out at night are generally seen as prey the same as a deer.

Once Cibran grew to maturity he simply flew off into the night, just as his parents expected him to. Owls don't need to say goodbye, and chances are he will never see his parents again, or hear of their deaths. He travelled extensively in the United States for several years, usually surviving in owl form, finding clothing when he needed to be in human form. Over the years Cirdan simply wandered. Eventually he found his way to Beacon Hills, around three years ago. He found an abandoned cabin in the woods, which serves as his home now that it has been refurbished. The cabin happens to be beside a massive redwood tree, large enough for a human to fit inside. Far at the top of the tree, the trunk has been hollowed out, and it serves as a second home where anything of worth is stored. It is only accessible from the air as there is no ladder to climb up, and the lowest branches are too high up to reach by human capabilities. It would be difficult to get inside unless one is capable of flight or somehow jumping over 300 feet into the air.

Cibran remains a stealthy, elusive, and solitary individual, and does his best to avoid speaking to anyone. He is simply out to survive.

Logs featuring Cibran Wyman:

Coming soon!
