At the Crossroads MUX Wiki
Role-Play Log


The Many Branches of Willow Plot




Willow Clones - Cheerfulness, Insecurity, and Anger



Tome of Dark Magics found in the collection of Angel Investigations



Angel Investigations



All of Me -


Willow casts a spell that seems innocent enough in order to try and lighten her workload and make things easier for the team.

25.03.2017 8:00 PM
Hyperion Hotel San Francisco

The Hyperion Hotel[]

The lights are on, illuminating the area.

The California-Spanish building known as the Hyperion Hotel was built in the 20s. Through the cast iron gates from the sidewalk is a small front courtyard with a rectangular fountain and a mythological figure holding a bowl from which water flows. Greenery frames the walls and a large set of glass double doors open into a high ceilinged lobby. Dark red carpet descends the four steps to the lobby floor and climb the two sets of stairways that lead to the second floor. The green marble floors are accented with wavy red inserts, as are the walls have a complimentary red border running their length. A set of doors identical to those of the entrance lead to a small enclosed garden.

Cream-colored pillars line two sides of the room, holding up the second-floor balconies that look out onto the lobby and creating arches. Underneath one of them is a large plate glass window that looks into the hotel office - now used as the office and nerve center of Angel Investigations. Nearby, there's a wraparound counter with dark wood paneling and a top the same color as the floor. Behind it are filing cabinets and a pair of desks pushed together. A navy blue circular couch harkening back to a 50s design sits near the back of the lobby. A large wooden, glass-doored cabinet pushed up against the wall holds a large assortment of weapons.

Willow sits at the desk of the Hyperion Hotel office, poring over a book amongst a pile of books and trying to hold in the contents of her head that feels like it is attempting to leak out from her ears. So many projects on the go, all needing her immediate attention. Standing up to stretch after so long sitting in one place, the quirky witch finds herself again wishing that there was a way she could be in four places at one time. Green eyes glance over to one of the many books that they keep under lock and key. The dark magics. Well, not necessarily dark, more... easily abused magicks. Willow has often said that any magick can be considered good if used in the proper way and conversely any spell can be bad if used with dark intentions.

Unlocking and opening the bookshelf, Willow takes out the tome that she knows contains the spell she has been considering for days. She looks over it again, having only just glanced at it in passing before and is rather surprised to discover that this spell is a relatively easy one. Just a few words and the focussing of the witch's will into the words. Willow reads over the page again. Could it really be so simple? Why would a spell that seems to need no ritual or magical components to fuel it be so rudimentarily simple? Ah well, maybe this book was filed into the dark magics section due to the other spells in the book.

"Shanayim! Persona et Persona! Manifest!" says the copper haired wicca, pouring her power into the spell.

"Wow! It worked!" says a second voice, identical to her own. Looking up, Willow is delighted to see an exact duplicate of herself standing before her.

"It did! This is great!"

"You bet yer boots it is! Check me out!" says the clone as she spins around.

The original Willow looks over her clone carefully, trying to think how this spell could possibly go wrong. "Wait, you do know you aren't the original? You understand that you are just a *temporary* copy and when the job is done I will be reabsorbing you into myself?"

"Yep," says the cheerful copy with a bounce. "I'm just here to help you with the workload of all those tasks we have. Once those are all done, it's all *poof!* and we join together as one whole person again! This is going to be so nifty!"

The original sighs with relief, smiling from ear to ear. "Well, that will show all the doubters," she declares as she casts the spell another two times.

"Seems to me like nothing could possibly go wrong!" claims Cheerfulness, before starting to ponder the situation. "Mind you, since I came from you, I don't actually have any experience with the spell myself. So, I couldn't possibly tell you the possible effects if done more then once or if used for an extended period of time."

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" asks the Original, looking over her shoulder to Cheerfulness after having created Insecurity and Anger.

"Oh, nothing that I'm sure you haven't already thought of."
