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Angel Investigations Beacon Hills High School




Dawn takes Angel to consult with LJ about the Key and the Beast. LJ surmises the Key might be inside of organ like her heart. Aric the Dragon comes to add his 2 cents, involving sensing the magic all over Dawn. He goes on about what it means to be a Champion, he starts thinking of sacrifice...and realizes who's likely to make the Ultimate Sacrifice for Dawn. He and Dawn resolve to prevent this.

8/7/2016 9:00 PM
Beacon Hills Beacon Hills High School

Public High School - Library[]

The lights are on, illuminating the area.

The school library is a large room, taking up two floors. Tawny marble floors are bordered by a dark brown stripe, while stacks of bookshelves line the walls to the left and right of the entrance. Suspended lamps with frosted glass bowl shades hang from the high, arched ceiling. At the far end of the room, a series of dark brown wooden steps leads up to a raised platform, where a large, arched window overlooks the school's rear grounds. From the platforms, which hold additional bookshelves, two more staircases lead along the left and right hand walls to the upper level, arranged as a broad gallery that wraps around along the three nearer walls. This is held up by floor to ceiling columns and enclosed by a wooden railing, while the upper walls themselves are also lined with bookshelves. An adjacent room offers a number of computer workstations.

Outside, it's fair and very warm with a few clouds in the sky.

On his nth cup of evening tea, the present Beacon Hills librarian sits at his desk in a comfortable chair, a journal resting open before him. His fingers tap against the keyboard of his desk computer, and some soft jazz lilts in the background. The Library is otherwise empty.

Once again, Dawn has become a regular at a high school library before even starting high school. So, she walks in, confident she's allowed to be here, leading Angel. Spotting LJ, she smiles, "Mr. Knight? This is Angel, a friend of mine. He protects people from demons and stuff too."

Angel walks in, tall, with his dark black trenchcoat, a combination of brooding and strength. "Mr. Knight, pleasure. We have much to discuss this evening." And Angel offers a hand to the librarian, apparently used to dealing with those who specialize in knowing things.

With his glasses on the desk, LJ very well can't look over them like every disapproving librarian ever, so he instead stands to accept Angel's hand for a brief shake. "A pleasure, Mr. Angel," he says, and politely. "Good evening, Dawn. What can I do for the pair of you?" He takes the comment about demons in stride.

Dawn plops down into a chair near the desk, and says, "Just thought you guys should meet." Beyond that, Angel could do most of the talking. She does glance around, however, looking for Stiles' whiteboard to see if it's been updated since she was last here.

Angel also looks around for said Whiteboard. "So, what have you learned about the Beast so far? Research on my end suggests most of what you already know...that it's a woman with terrible taste that desperately seeks a Key, which Lorne is fairly certain Dawn has."

LJ renests himself into his desk chair, and makes a few clicks with his mouth to wrap up whatever it was he was doing on his computer. "That's an unfortunate lack of literature about her," LJ says, lamenting. "Largely, she seems to predate written history, though there are obscure and opaque references to the Beast Who Would Crack the World. Though nothing that's been immediately helpful. I have been hoping we could make a breakthrough via conventional means, though that is seeming less and less likely."

Looking back to LJ, Dawn says, "What about... Cross-referencing or whatever, insanity. Lydia and Stiles mentioned something about a lot of psych cases showing up in the hospital. Maybe it's like those old horror movies, something so old and evil it makes people insane?"

Angel shakes his head, "So far, my sources and his don't have anything different to share. We need a new source...or some kind of insight on to what the Key Dawn has is."

"I have unconventional methods at my disposal," LJ says, "which I was loathe to employ given the possibility of certain unpleasant consequences. But since Scott McCall's mother was attacked, I feel necessity has overwhelmed prudence." The man closes his journal and snuffs out a nearby candle. (He always seems to have one of those lit nearby.) As the smoke curls and rises in a stream towards the ceiling, the smell of wax and carbon drifting, he waves a hand through it, which not only causes it to dance, but to form a crude, smoky illustration of what appears to be monks in prayer. "Divinatory magics can give us a clearer vision of the context, but given the subject matter, angling too close to the fate of the demon herself only invites mental intrusion." The man clears his throat. "And then there's asking favors of the underworld."

Dawn gives a sigh, sitting back in her chair and going quiet now. She does listen, however, looking up to the smoke curiously and then back to LJ. But, for now, she doesn't seem to have any idea of any more suggestions.

Angel eyenarrows, but nods. "Do what you need to do. If you're going to summon something for information, you should probably do it what you've got guardians around. But we can't protect you from deals you make."

"I'm aware of the risks," says the librarian, dismissing the smoky picture with a wave. "I've dealt with the forces of darkness in the past. I do not take such transactions lightly." For Dawn's sake, he doesn't go into any further detail. "That being said, it may be unnecessary. I'll begin with the less costly methods and keep you apprised. Naturally, the local pack also has access to my literature and are looking into the details themselves, as well." He pauses. "Did you have any other concerns?"

Now Dawn speaks up again, and says, "The pack are helping me find the Key too. They're going to have someone named Lance help me go through my stuff, in case the Key is something magic attached to something I own, instead of something new turning up."

"Lance? I've met him a couple times. He's a full demon, but he's relatively mellow for his kind. He runs Sinema, here in Beacon Hills. If you want to find him, it shouldn't be too hard." But then he turns to Dawn. "But don't buy anything from him, or Buffy may stake me and ground you forever."

"I believe I've heard his name tossed around before." There's a nod, and LJ rests his hands against his lap, appearing thoughtful. "If I don't manage to speak with him soon, I'm sure someone from the pack will. Do you have a card, Mr. Angel?" Opening his desk drawer, LJ provides one of his own, sliding it across the wood grain towards the vampire. "I wish to be of service, so consider me at your disposal."

Dawn looks surprised for a moment, but then nods. "As long as he's not full demon like the mayor, that's cool. Don't really want to giant snake monster looking through my stuff." She seems to trust that he'd be on their side, if he's being called on to help. "And yeah, the only demon I buy stuff from is Lorne."

Angel halfsmiles, "He sells drugs, mostly, so please don't get me staked. But no, he's a different breed of demon, what we call a 'Hell class' demon. The ones opposed to the actual angels out there, as opposed to the stuff we usually saw in Sunnydale or LA."

"There are a great many categories of a great many creatures," says LJ, with a little sigh. "It does present a challenge for us archivists to keep everything reasonably ordered and clear. But I've yet to hear of this Lance causing any trouble, or I expect the pack would have confronted him by now."

Dawn nods quickly, and says, "Yeah, they talked like they trusted him. So I bet he's cool. I just hope we find the Key. I don't know what it is so I'm afraid to even loan out a pencil. Not that that's really come up, but that's beside the point."

Angel looks at Dawn for a moment, "It's probably not something trivial that you can give away by accident. The monks who made the Key knew they were about to die, and assuming they weren't complete morons, it's something you'd never dream of giving away."

LJ eyes Dawn for a careful moment. It's a searching, meaningful glance, like he's suddenly been made aware of some variable he hadn't considered, and can test a hypothesis just by staring at her. "Ms. Summers," he says, at length. "I have a thought. If it's no trouble, after this Lance investigates you, would you mind informing me of the results?"

"Something I wouldn't give away... My journal? That would be weird, my journal being that important. That's like straight out of Harry Potter." He doesn't sound like she actually believes it could be her journal, though. She's still thinking about it when she looks back up to LJ, and nods, "Yeah. Sure. No problem."

"Well, the monks, if they were really smart, might've made it something that you'd never give away, but that would equally seem inconspicious to a terrible monster looking for it. So it might well be something like your journal. All depends on how smart the monks were." Angel looks pensive now.

"This presumes it's an external object and not something more integral, like an organ." It's a grisly consideration, but the look LJ gives the both of them is entirely serious. "It would certainly be difficult to accidentally give away if that were the case."

"Monks are either really intelligent, or extremely idiotic." Aric's rumbling voice comes from a set of shadows that actually distort some when he moves. The tall man joins the conversation as if he were always there. Was he? Well that's difficult to say, Aric is a magic creature of unknown wonders yet, and he also tends to camouflage perfectly sometimes. He is carrying an open book with him, his eyes upon it as the well dressed man approaches. "And also, Lawrence, it isn't that difficult to accidentally give away, depending on who you are talking to. A word to the wise, mince your words when dealing with the Fae. Else it will surely lead you to a very bad way."

Dawn wrinkles her nose a bit at that, "I hope not. Besides, wouldn't that be kinda dangerous? They sent it to me to protect, but if I have to fight to protect it, I might get hurt and it would be hurt." She jumps a little when the voice comes out of nowhere, hopping to her feet, but when it turns out to be a large man and not a crazy woman or obvious demon, and one who seems to know LJ, she relaxes a little again.

Angel frowns, "Not if it's your heart, or something like that. Because if you lose that, you've already failed cause you're dead. It'd put you in a situation where your life and future depend on your success. Monks can be jerks like that...and what LJ's saying sounds...more accurate then not."

LJ slides a sideways glance towards Aric, whom he's clearly familiar with, and frowns. "I Was working under the presumption that Ms. Summers has the werewithal to not be making inadvisable deals with otherwordly creatures who thrive on contractual shenanigans." The man clears his throat and returns his glance to his guests. He also seems to agree with Angel by saying, "Let's say the key is your heart--you can't live without it, so you will fight to protect it short of sacrificing yourself for some intentional reason. Thus, it will always be under your protection." That being said, he adds, "It is something to consider, though bear in mind this is only conjecture without further proof. Hence why I'd like to see what Lance discovers--perhaps it will be telling in this context."

Aric pauses and looks up at Dawn, raising a brow. "Sent it to you to protect?" He looks like that one is a little difficult to swallow. He slams his book shut, focused on Dawn and walking over to her, peering, "Hm. You do not seem to possess much in the way of ability. You're a tiny little thing, not much in the way of muscle." He is inspecting her with a dragon's judgmental expression, "But you must be a very powerful mage of some sort." says the man, his nose twitching and moving like he has something in it that's strong and needs to be sneezed out. "That would explain the lack of physical stature. The amount of mystical energy you possess is far superior to any human I have ever seen." Aric says this so casually in fact, a passing kinda comment. 

His breed of dragon is born of a blend of magic and basic elements bonded powerfully to the magical world. Just like an individual magical item or locale might be a focal point for magical energies, Aric's breed are focal points for the flow of magic. Living breathing conduits between it's raw potency and the rest of the world. So his sensory for such things is pretty keen. Also, he tends to 'drink/eat' magic from others if the need strikes him, but that is another story. "Maybe that is what their intent was for you to protect it. You are a bit like me in the fact that you are practically what they call a nuclear reactor of mystical energy. Well... you seem much more compact, but it's likely that your brilliant radiance is meant to mask the magic of the item you were given." he shrugs his broad shoulders, "If I were to guess. Your mystical potency is impressive, none the less."

The idea that it might be her heart makes Dawn frown again, and she says, "I guess that would make sense. Seems like blackmail, all they had to do was ask. I'll get Lance to check me out, too." She looks up to Aric then, grinning as he says she doesn't have much muscle. But she nods, and says, "I'm a Slayer. And everybody keeps saying I have a really bright aura." She looks back to LJ then and asks, "If it is in my heart, could it cause that?"

Angel nods, "That's...very plausible, yeah. We're talking about a massive energy source, this Key. If Aric's smelling it on you, and you're giving Lorne headaches and sending the Buzz of Immortals crazy, then...yeah. It's likely inside you somewhere, in something like your heart. It's blackmail, sure, but monks weren't always entirely nice people."

Perhaps to relieve Dawn slightly, LJ says, "My knowledge of Slayer lore is limited, but my understanding is that Slayer traits are inherited, not granted. Still, this is an odd situation, so while anything Is possible, I would advise against jumping to conclusions." Aric's assessement of Dawn is otherwise met with a gentle sigh--apparently LJ is used to the other man acting this way. "For the moment I suggest we float it as a possibility and keep it in mind, but not assume certainty where there is none. With some luck, you'll have your answer soon."

"In your heart? AS your heart? Mmn. That would be impractical. But again, monks can be foolish, and believe they are not." says Aric matter-o-factly. He shakes his head, "No it is not like that." he says to Dawn and Angel about the inside of her part, "So-- you're saying that you don't actually have an object on your person?" he peers, "Hmm. Lawrence, you will need to look to confirm this, but this is how I see it." 

The tall man looks around, left and right, "Humans do better with visual aid, now that I think about it." The man snaps his fingers and words leave his lips and it is a sound that can be felt like a vibration on everyone's insides. Like standing on the ground near a train going by. It is an unusual language, both a whisper, and a rumble like thunder, but is also melodic. A very short song? His fingers illuminate with a soft light. "Pardon me." he excuses to Dawn. "It is not radiating from a specific PART of her, such as here." Aric reaches just in front of the space in front of Dawn, and traces a shape of a heart which leaves a trail of lights that dance about, like a streak. "It's more like this." Aric traces around Dawn, in the shape of her, leaving dancing lights there to indicate the whole of her. They're pretty, it's one of those Fae type charms, like a bunch of Willow-wisps. Aric snaps his fingers and they all vanish.

He shakes his head, "I do not have knowledge of these Slayer types in my memory. Yet if this interdimensional entity wants whatever is inside of you? Then you will have my protection. This is an honor, for there is little to fear in the world when you have been given the protection of a dragon. Something we do not take up lightly. But it is my genetic duty to fight back against dimensional intruders and self-procalimed gods. So there you have it." He moves over to stand next to LJ.

Dawn nods again to LJ and says, "Yeah, good idea." Then Aric makes his demonstration, and she smiles as she looks at the aura of wisps he creates around her. "Wow." Then she nods, and says, "Maybe it's the Slayer thing you're sensing? But if it isn't, I hope this Lance guy knows for sure." Then she blinks, and says, "Wait, Dragon? Seriously? That is so awesome. Thank you," she adds quickly, and belatedly, for the offer of protection.

Angel halfsmiles, "Pretty much everything exists, Dawn, in one dimension or another." But that's all he has to say about Dragons. "As for testing if it's any Slayer, we can always bring Faith or Eva by to make sure, but given how Immortals don't react particularly strongly to Faith, and neither does Lorne, I'm betting it's not the Slayer thing."

Something Aric says gives LJ pause enough to consider an element to this mystery he doesn't immediately let on about. "Aric--and dragons, for that matter--does not make promises lightly," he says at length, to Dawn. "So if you need his help, don't be afraid to reach out to him. But yes," he adds, holding a finger to his lips. "Try not to spread it around. But he is indeed a dragon."

"Yes yes, large scaled saurian, fire breathing as the books would tell you." Aric opens up the book that he has to a page, depicting a picture of a knight fighting a fire-breathing dragon and shows it. He scoffs about it. "Humans know very little about us, they just make vague assumptions." he shakes his head, "Why, there are likely dragons that walked among humans quite undetected. And we do not simply breath FIRE," Aric says indignantly, "I can personally breathe: fire, water, lighting, air--both hot and cold-- ice, darkness, light-- Really just anything elemental." Which Aric is the ignorant one on this one, as he believes this to be a common thing. But from what LJ might have read about Aric's kind, that is not a common thing. Neither were the color of Aric's scales when he saw them. Though he does sound like he is getting frustrated, "Systematically wiped out by human's prejudices. Well-- that is the complicated part, but in any case--" Aric sighs and calms down. 

"Lawrence is correct, however. We do not make that kind of gesture very lightly. Yet, it is my duty; my destiny-- as far as I am to understand it-- to combat forces which do not belong in this world, and keep them from intruding and befouling this dimension. So I am willing to do whatever it takes to thwart this monstrosity."

At the mention of humans wiping out the dragons, she comments, "We humans can be stupid sometimes, especially when we're afraid." She then adds again, "Thank you. And I promise, I won't tell anybody."

Angel adds, "Humans have been stupid for millenia. But...they do good things too. Noble things, even. And there's a lot about humanity worth fighting for, even if they make the most inane mistakes you'll ever think of."

"Let him talk about himself too much, and it'll go straight to his head," LJ says, with a brief smile and some gentle ribbing. Then, a wave of his hand. "We can not individually be characterized by the mistakes of the masses. So long as we learn from those mistakes." In any event, he rests his elbows against the desk and his chin against his hand. "For now, at least, I believe that's all we can do for you, Dawn. If you have any more concerns, don't hesitate to speak to me about them."

"I believe that it is to be considered in it's totality. Humans are not the most important species on this planet. This planet is not the most important world in this galaxy, and this galaxy is not the most important galxay in this universe." Aric gestures, "Beings that I have a drive to combat desire to take over the universe. So we must consider the fight to be for everyone, rather than just one kind of being. So I do not fight to protect humans, and I do not fight to protect dragons. I combat these things for us ALL." Aric says to Angel, perhaps to put a bigger perspective on things. And he does actually tilts his head, looking at Angel. He's got the look of someone peering into the deeper parts of someone based on what just came out of their mouth, "Is that your fight? Your reason? To save humanity? I wonder... why so small?" the man questions openly, "Why so limited? Have you perhaps lost that very thing that you are speaking of somehow? Often this is the case with humans that become something else," Aric shrugs, "They lose sight of things outside of the scope of what they lost. However, I believe that your true scope of potential can never be reached, unless you make your reason for Championship far bigger than yourself. When you limit yourself, in what you are fighting to protect, within this space," Aric points to his head and to his heart, "Then when something bigger come along, you find you struggle much more, because you are in a much smaller box. You have less to rise up to achieve. This is... something you should think about perhaps."

Dawn looks to Aric and says, "We fight for humanity first because we're human, or started out that way in Angel's case anyway. But we don't limit ourselves. If we could stop some evil demon from taking over some other world, and humanity wasn't in danger, we would." She seems to assume, anyway, that Angel would agree. Then she smiles and says to LJ, "Thanks. I think this was a big help."

Angel adds, "Actually, I did. We went to Pylea not to long ago, and saved that world as best we could. But even so...there's a lot of things in this world I simply haven't met yet, or don't understand. And there's more dimensions then even something that can't die of old age could ever visit." Angel starts brooding. "The biggest limit is that it's hard to protect something you don't understand. I understand humans. Everything else...a whole lot less."

"Aric," LJ says, with a hint of chastisement the dragon is likely all too familiar with it. "Perhaps we should question our allies less and focus on the greater threat more. There will be plenty of time for self-reflection on everyone's part when the world is safely not on the brink of catastrophe." Then, to Angel, "You do not need to justify yourself to either of us, Mr. Angel; I'm sure you do the best you can what you have. In the end, our actions will define our character, so let us level our concerns to the present moment. For which, I believe, we have a plan of action."

"Just a moment, Lawrence, I have a point to this." The tall man asides to LJ, with a hand up for a second. Aric nods to Dawn, "I understand, you do what you have to do, because it is where you live. But what I speak of is the vision. The sight, and the heart behind your fight." Aric folds his arms across his chest, adopting a sage-like look, "Right now, young lady, you are in possession of something that likely affects the whole universe. This is a lot for a human to take in I know. It is a major responsibility. The weight of it in itself can crush the spirit of most men. Yet I see you still carrying on to do what is necessary. This is why I speak of this to the both of you. If you will not shrink under the insignificance of humanity, then you can become something greater than just human. That is really the wish that my ancestors had for humanity, yet humanity could not see past itself achieve it." 

Aric rises tall, nodding to both Dawn and Angel, "My goal and point here is that you will rid yourselves of any doubts that may arise when you are faced with hopelessness. For there will come some from fighting this threat. Understand that there are more things counting on you than just humanity, and your spirit will swell to new heights to protect it. Your mind will race clearer, and your fears will melt away. These beings like to tamper with the fragility of the human mind. Using your insecurities and doubts against you. Take that away from them by continuing to grow, and you are a Champion of existence."

Many her age would likely be skeptical, or not understand. But Dawn looks thoughtful. She nods to the Dragon, and says, "Yeah. I think I've seen that. In my sister. Especially when we had to stop the First Evil." Then, nodding seriously, she says, "I'll try."

Angel adds, "...I've been through that too. You never know till you've been tested." Angel's been through a lot of tests...and in fact was the First Evil's original target. It didn't work, because a special young lady just would not let him go sunbathing. And then the Powers agreed and made it snow. "There might even come a time when a sacrifice has to be made, and...oh no." Lorne said a Slayer was going to die...but he didn't proclaim Dawn's death when she sang for him. "Or someone else will sacrifice herself for you. Someone who loves you enough to do that." He gazes significantly at Dawn. It shouldn't take her long to figure out which heroine loves her enough to die for her.

LJ rubs his head and then mops his face with that same hand. He doesn't necessarily disagree with the dragon, but this hardly seems the time or place for pontificating. When Aric sets his mind to something though... "Sacrifice is part of shouldering the weight others are unwilling or unable to carry," he says. "But I don't think we're doing ourselves any favors by lingering overmuch on premonition. Sages much more wise than us have spent years attempting to decipher thir meaning, only to have their kingdoms crumble around them. Listen, consider, but act and do not dwell." That said, the man sets his computer to sign off, and then stands, procuring a briefcase in which he slides his journal. It is closed and locked. "If there's nothing further, there are some matters to which I must attend. Namely, following up on those options we discussed earlier. The three of you are welcome to stay--Aric, please lock up when you leave."

"The thought of sacrifice is one of those fears that I spoke of. The double-edged sword of human emotion." Aric sighs, shaking his head, "Perhaps it is not the best time to go though this, as Lawrence says. Forgive me for causing any undue stress." Apology he may have given, yet Aric does not look as if he is sorry he said it, but more apologetic on how difficult it is. Yet he seems to be confident that they could handle the notion for some reason. "I best retire myself. I should get a bit of slumber before my venture. There is treasure at the bottom of the sea that I intent to obtain." says the taller man, nodding to the few gathered, "Good day."

Dawn Summers' eyes widen at first, but then she gets the stubborn look of hers, "No way. He saw it to warn us, just like Cordy's visions. We know now, so we'll stop it. We just gotta... I don't know, watch for it or something. But it's something we can change." She nods then and waves to the two Knights, and says, "Thanks. We better go soon too, mom will freak if I'm too late."

Angel, recently decursed, find that thought especially horrifying. "I think we can change it. We just...have to show her a better way out then what she's going to default to. We have to figure out how everything works. Lorne's vision was foggy, he didn't get a very clear vision of it. He says that means we can change it. But we'd better focus on making sure we do."
